AdventureAir Iterations
In designing the five different iterations for Adventure Awaits, I envisioned various travel adventure scenarios. These include Sea, Beach, Desert, Forest, and a whimsical Mario theme. I chose Mario because I felt a fictional, cartoonish element would complete this project, and I have a personal fondness for the character.
Sea Theme
I selected a dawn ocean scene with rocks, using a warm orange color palette. The serif font, Sedan SC, adds an artistic touch compared to sans-serif fonts. I lowered the opacity of the rectangle background for the "Book your adventure" button to create a more natural and breathable feel.
I used a blurred background of a person gazing at the ocean, evoking a cinematic feel. I highlighted the navigation elements and placed the subtitle in the bottom left corner with white text on a black background for clarity. The phrase "by flying with AdventureAir you'll never be homesick" is easily visible.
Mario Theme
It features a pixelated Dot Gothic font for the title "Adventure Awaits You," with the button in an oval shape, making it playful and lively. The navigation and buttons are in deep blue, matching Mario's outfit.
Desert Theme
This one is simple yet impactful. I chose the Lexend type family, a wide-spaced, sans-serif font that conveys the desert's vastness and openness. I varied the font weights for the title and subtitle to show contrast. The logo's color was changed to deep yellow to align with the desert theme.
Forest Theme
I used deep green as the primary color, echoing the background's lush trees. The Special Elite font gives an ancient, primal feel. The navigation is highlighted with a light green oval background extending from the right, blending with the forest theme.
Beach Theme
The goal of this website is to inspire and engage users by immersing them in different travel adventure scenarios. The most important elements include consistent design styling, engaging user experience, and cohesive typography and sizing. By looking at the design in context and using preview buttons, each scenario's mood, message, and genre are effectively conveyed.